Tuesday, 30 September 2014

The Paramount

The first piece in Mde. Herringbone's collection is this elegant but modest Paramount EPNS with Bakelite handle and brass catch-finishing.

"The pot that started it all! From the smooth pucker of the spout to the coy flick at the nape of the handle, I knew from that moment on my heart would be in tea, and this Paramount would be my first love.
Subsequently I have found many, many others, and the Paramount now spends most of its days tucked in the back of the cupboard, weeping quietly.

I have no regrets on that point.

Still, it is a sturdy, reliable, family-friendly receptacle; good for four cups of a brisk Earl Grey, or concealing vast quantities of gin. If this teapot were a car, it would be extremely weird because it is far too small and has no wheels."

- Madame Herringbone, September 30, 2014.

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